The ultimate guide to increasing the conversion rate of your home page FAST.

45.68% of the total visitors leave an eCommerce home page without even checking any other page.
Let me show you how these 16 insanely simple tricks will skyrocket sales and will make you a fortune!

1. Keep Your Design Simple.

Before you start designing, ask yourself
What do you want your customers to do as soon as they land on the home page? An answer to this single question will help you figure out your goal.
Every step after that, every line, image, and CTAs should be planned to achieve your goal.
Remove everything that doesn’t align with the goal.
Users should find what they are looking for quickly. They should not even think about what to do next.
Make it obvious.

2. Must be easy to navigate

Customers leave the site if they can’t understand the navigation at the first glance. Each menu should have a clear purpose.
– Label the categories clearly.
– Between 5 and 12 top-level categories are best.
– Within each category, get more specific
– Remove any friction or distraction. Make the experience seamless.
– Fewer choices increase conversion, which means more action.
– Don’t neglect including a special offers subcategory.
Always think about account users’ expectations and what they find most useful.

3. Improve your website’s search experience

People who use your website’s search are 2.5x more likely to buy than the people who don’t.
Many customers directly start searching instead of browsing.
Build a search function that helps them easily find what they are looking for.
  • Put the search box on every page and in the same position
  • It should support all types of queries including product names, categories, attributes, tags, pages & posts.
  • Add autocomplete functionality.
  • Don’t hide your search icon inside the breadcrumb menu.
  • Make it mobile-friendly

4. Make it mobile-friendly

Make it easy to use.

5. Lead with your value proposition

Tell your customers what you sell, who is it for, and how your product fixes their problem as soon as they land.
Display your unique value proposition (UVP) straight away. Answer the question every customer wants to know: What’s in it for me?
Tell them why they should buy from you over the million other stores out there.
Many people give priority to designs and layouts but they miss the most important ingredient to make a sale – good copywriting.
Improve your copy. A great copy can double or triple the conversion rate of a landing page.
  • Focus on benefits instead of features.
  • Use the key benefits and selling points. What benefits can’t be found anywhere else?
  • Emphasize why your store is specifically worth buying from.

6. Switch your hero image carousel to a static image

A/B testing shows that the static image wins about 70% of the time compared to carousels.
Most eCommerce homepages no longer show carousels.
Try to communicate your value proposition in one image.
They’re simpler and don’t distract users. It increases the website’s loading speed too.
Use Hero images with people or faces on them. Faces of people have been proven to increase conversions.
Adding a person’s picture to their home page increased 37Signals’ signups by 102.5%.

7. Add social proof

All shoppers read online reviews, and 94% say they make purchases based on reviews.
If you have great reviews, don’t keep them only on your product pages. Show them on your homepage too.
The reviews will help with removing abjections and increase sales.
  • Summarize reviews, and make the important keyword bold.
  • Show the reviewer’s face and his name
  • Add stars.
  • Show demos or unboxing videos
Customers love product videos since they capture the feel and function of a product in a way that images alone can’t.

8. Display your best sellers

When someone visits your website for the first time, they probably don’t know much about your products or brand.
Showing them your top 3-4 best-selling products as soon as they land on the homepage will help them make a purchase decision faster.
  • Place your main products above the page fold.
  • Showcase the USP of your top product in your hero image. Let them know what problem your product solves.
  • Conduct A/B tests to see which products lead to the most conversions.
  • Add new products and a sale section as well.

9. Have an Eye-Catching Sale Section

On-sale or discounted products can help your business get lots of orders.
  • Make a highlighted sale section on your homepage. You want your customers to find it quickly and easily.
  • Display special offers and discounts in an optimal spot.
An unmissable “deal of the day” section is also a great idea to increase sales.
You can also create a completely dedicated page for on-sale products and differentiate the sale page in the navigation bar via highlighted color or font size.

10. Speed up your page load time

If your website is slow, it’s taking time to load – it will frustrate your user. They will leave your site without buying and never return.
Your homepage must load fast, particularly on mobile. Optimize your site for faster load times.
  • Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to check what’s affecting site speed and how can you improve it
  • Enable browser caching
  • Reduce your images’ file sizes
  • Minimize the number of apps or plugins
  • Eliminate unnecessary redirects
The faster your site, the better it’ll convert.

11. Demonstrate Site Security and build trust

It is important to design a website that looks trustable and makes customers feel safe. Most shoppers expect that their personal information will stay secure.
If the website does not feel trustworthy, they will shop where it does.
According to Baymard, 17% of consumers abandon their carts due to a lack of trust. Trust seals play a big role in winning customer confidence.
  • Assure shoppers that their data is protected by implementing SSL.
  • Display SSL and show widely recognized trust seals on the footer.
  • Add an about us page with photos of people behind the business
  • Display your business phone number and address
  • Add social media links
  • Add a FAQ page
  • Add store shipping and return policies
  • Put the phone number on both the top and bottom.

12. High-Quality Product Images

Customers associate poor images with poor product quality.

The quality of your images will play a large role in making a good impression. That’s why we need high-quality product images to increase trust. It will increase your conversion rate.

Peep Laja at ConversionXL says “You need to work twice as hard to make your products come alive via excellent photography and graphics.” because your customers cannot try out products online.

13. Personalize Your Homepage

Use an AI-based recommendation app to create personalized recommendations based on customer behavior. Use a customer’s browsing and purchase history, locations, search history etc to suggest items they may want to buy.

It will not only leads to more orders but can also increase customer lifetime value. The customer will return to your store because they believe you understand their needs.

14. Consider adding a live chat function

Adding a live chat function to your site will increase customers’ trust in your brand. It will be easier for them to contact you and clear all the objections they have before buying.

15. Create an exit intent popup or a welcome popup

Popups are an amazing tool to convert your website visitors to leads. Exit popups are displayed when a visitor is about to exit your site. Make the offer on the pop-up clear and compelling; make it too hard to say no to.

Show some discounts or offers, or give access to some exclusive content in exchange for their contact information. Don’t show a welcome pop-up until the visitors scroll down at least 75% of the page or below. Show it after 10 seconds. You can also A/B test these two pop-ups.

16. Place all required Information in the Footer

Most businesses have important information and links in the footer. Customers expect to find these links in the footer. Keep everything required there. It will enhance user experience and the site will be easier to navigate.

Things you should keep in the footer

  • Shipping and return policies
  • Privacy policy
  • Terms and conditions
  • Contact and support link
  • FAQs
  • Social media link
  • Phone number and emails
  • Security seals

If you want us to help you in increasing your revenue by increasing the conversion rate of your website, contact us.