5 Needs Of A Small Business Website

From contact data to client testimonials, here are the essential needs of a small business website.

1. An accurate description of your business

No one cares about technicalities of your business so be concise and definite in the description of your website. Make it easy and intuitive to people who stumble upon your website to understand what your website represents within the first 3 seconds. Failing to do so will result in losing a potential customer. Easy is what works in this fast-paced world.

Give the visitors an impression that your product or service is exactly what they have been looking for. This will capture their attention and will urge them to linger around your site, which may result in conversions.

2. A straightforward and rational Web address – Make is as simple as possible.

The domain name you choose is more than just an address; it is like your brand. It must be simple for a user to get to it using any web-browser. We recommend you to get a .com domain, as most people are inclined towards typing .com at the end of the domain name. In case you are running a non-profit organization or any organization, you may use the .org domain, but we strongly recommend you to get the .com domain as well, in case any users type.com. We also suggest you avoid dashes and numbers as they may cause complications with SEO and also confuse customers.

3. An effective navigation map with clear links

You must integrate clear links to provide your visitors with a seamless navigation experience. This will build a positive impression with the users as they will linger around longer and access more information.

Make obvious links clearly visible. We recommend you to use dropdowns in the navigation menu to lay out the complete map to your website. This will enable your users to visit virtually any page on your website from where ever they are. In essence, you want to make it extremely easy for your visitors to find exactly what it is that they are looking for or what you want them to find.

4. Easy to reach contact information

It is hard to believe that most websites lose out on potential clients just because they don’t provide clear contact details. In this day and age, everyone wants everything to be easily accessible. If they face any complications that test their patience, they turn around and never look back.

We recommend you to post a link to your contact information on every page at either the top right or left corner or in the footer region. This will help your visitors find it quickly.

5. Client testimonials

Good honest reviews from your existing customers will enhance the appeal of your products and services to online visitors. They instill a sense of trust among your potential clients, especially if you are new. People in general love to hear stories from genuine people who were once in their place.

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